Ron Boat | Writer of informative Op-Ed and high-level intelligence & military interviews
Observing and writing for the world to be informed and prepared
What I Do
Exercising my 1st Amendment:
Writing opinions with facts
I love communication. I love facts. I hate rhetoric whether it comes from one side or another. The only thing that matters in life is what’s happening to us and what are our legal, peaceful, and realistic responses – and are we truly factually informed.
Military Interviews
“With my access to highly placed individuals, I’ve grabbed ideas and facts related to our current social and political condition. I value my articles with leaders such as LTG Michael Flynn, LTG Russel Honore’, MG “Mick” McGuire, Col Rob Maness, BG Robert Spalding, MG Paul Vallely, et al with views from the top.”
“So many respected people run our country in the background. I’m honored to have interviewed top CIA, FBI, NSA operatives, agents, Interpol and State Dept. officials. They protect us daily here and abroad with their knowledge and their lives. Their interviews are relevant and revealing. I hope you enjoy them”
“Whether working within the United States or abroad, many people gain insight into our economy, our politics, our important relationships around the real world. Their positions in government. the military and business lend credence to their insightful views and ideas. It’s a pleasure to talk with them.”
An Honor to Write
My sincere thanks to those who have indulged me with their time allowing me to ask the questions and post their responses. I value their input, their honesty. I’m not an investigative reporter digging deep into the scandal of the day, pushing for the damaging scoop, but instead concentrating on that information that is of most interest, potentially unknown, and leading people to ask pertinent questions of themselves and their leaders.
My writing credentials are HERE.
My writings have been seen on Red Nation Rising | Talk America Radio |
Western Free Press | World Net Daily | | #1 / 5 star Al’s Political Blog
U.S. Military Officers
Military Interviews
- LTG Michael Flynn
- LTG Russel Honore’
- MG Michael McGuire
- MG Jeffrey Schloesser
- MG Paul Vallely
- BG Robert Spalding
- BG Charles jones
- Col Rob Maness
- Col Michael Ward
- Naval Commander Cliff Alligood
- Cpt/CW3 David Harmes
- USAF CMSgt Michael Wenzel
Intelligence Officials
Intelligence Interviews
NSA – Director William Binney
CIA – Operative Verne Lyon
FBI – Asst. Director Ron Hosko
FBI – Special Agent Coleen Rowley
FBI – Special Agent Jack Ryan
US Diplomat Mike Springmann
US Diplomat Frederic Rocafort
DOJ Attorney Sidney Powell
DHS & INTERPOL Special Agent – Eric Caron
CIA Intelligence Officer / National & Homeland Security Official
– Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
Domestic & Int'l Contacts
Domestic/International Interviews
- Dr. Jerome Corsi Ph.D.
- President Trump Adviser Peter Navarro
- President Trump Insider & Turkish
Press Secretary – Erbil Gunasti - President Trump Insider, Author & Network Producer Daphne Barak
- Prime Minister East Turkistan
– Salih Hudayar - Dr. Victor Davis Hanson
- Constitutional Professor Rob Natelson
- Constitutional Expert Dr. Carl Goldberg
- Newsweek Foreign Bureau Chief
– Andrew Nagorski - Author – Gordon Chang
- Dr. Charles Simone M.D. M.M.S.
- Parliament of Victoria, Australia
– Bernie Finn - Convention of States’ Mark Meckler
- Tea Party Founder – Michael Johns
National Media Contacts
Media Interviews
- CEO Joseph Farah
- Filmmaker Dennis Michael Lynch
- FOX News Contrib./Radio Host
– Kevin Jackson - Author Andrew Nagorski
- FOX News Contrib. Erik Rush
- Author Doug Giles
- Producer/Celebrity Interviewer
– Daphne Barak - Radio Host Suzanne Shattuck
LTG Michael Flynn has told me...
”I loved the people, especially the Soldiers and Non-Commissioned Officers I served alongside. They represent the salt of the earth and are why our Country is so strong. They are the rocks upon which our nation’s foundation is built.“
From Asst. FBI Dir. Ron Hosko...
“Ron, I’m very concerned about the future of policing. Rising crime in many places, rising community conflict, attacks on police, and declining recruitment all spell potential trouble. More broadly, law enforcement has to work harder “
Sidney Powell Expressed To Ron...
“In the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices in 3 districts, 9 US Attorneys from both political parties and countless good trial and appellate lawyers, was an invaluable experience- may be the only lawyer in private practice practicing in federal court.”
“Ron, here’s an additional thought: There can be no coexistence with Xi Jinping’s Communist Party. And soon people will be forced to choose, either to submit to the Chinese regime or fight for their own freedom. Xi is leaving no middle ground. The world will not forever ignore the crimes against humanity…”
Most of the people being sent to work in the slave labor camps or for companies are mostly young men and women. People who have traveled overseas, practiced religion, engaged in any form of political or civil activism have been given long prison sentences…”
“Ron, anyone who says politics doesn’t play into decision-making in the military is being unrealistic. As Carl Von Clausewitz would say, “War is an extension of Politics” —that was a very true statement when he wrote it well over a hundred years ago and it remains true today.”
LTG Michael Flynn with Ron
Retired Army officer, Author, Fmr DNI
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